Brexit will effect all of us in some way. Be sure to keep an eye on the UK government advice.

The French Government has also published advice

and created a specific Brexit site

Applying for a carte de sejour. This is something we can help you with. Currently the application has to be made in person at the Prefecture in Annecy. At present, you have to make a rendez-vous on line at:

We can help navigate you through this process. At some time in the near future there should be an English language website for online applications.
If you have a residential status, ie a Carte de Sejour, before Brexit, even in the event of a no deal, the French government does not require that you change your licence and will recognise UK licences at the current time. However, if you have a traffic violation and points, you may be required to change it. Currently, any application to simply change your licence will be rejected as per the latest advice.

The prefecture in Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) handles all applications for exchanges of EU driving licences. Do not go to the prefecture in Annecy, or the sous-prefectures in Bonneville or St Julien-en-Genevois.